I have also purchased the Laptop case that goes into the backpack.
"So what?" you say, "it's just a backpack." Well hold on for a minute. Have you ever gone for a jog over an hour or two with a backpack? Let me just say that chaffing becomes a huge issue. This pack is designed to ergonomically connect to your body in perfect symmetry.
Here is how my day will go. I put on my running clothes and I pack my work clothes and shoes into my backpack. Then I add three meals (hey I am training for Ironman) my wallet, my cell phone, a towel, and my MP3 player. Sometimes even a book or whatever else I need in the day plops into this bag. I run to work and then I get changed. I put my dirty running clothes into the water proof area of the bag, and then I work.
On bike days, it is similar. I also used to run or bike to school. I could carry my books, my laptop, and a change of clothes. This bag also has a transition mat in it. So on race day it carries your swim suit, your bike, your running shoes, your gel shots, everything you need for the day. There is a really good review of the backpack here http://www.beginnertriathlete.com/cms/article-detail.asp?articleid=820 It was this review that got me to purchase the bag in the first place.
I have been brutal to this backpack. I mean I used it when I was taking my carpentry course, filling it with easily 10-15 pounds of book weight. This thing has taken a beating. The quality of the material, the stitching, even the zippers speak of something that was put together with good old fashioned hard work, and commitment to quality.
The bags are not inexpensive, I ordered it from the website and on last lookup the elite bag was $139.99 USD. There is a new bag that I am interested in trying: the Rocket Bag which goes for $179.99
Just a side note too, the water bottles they sell are really cool. They are designed like golf balls, so that air flows over them. The whole bag inside and out is nothing but good quality. I have killed mine, but I still use it every day. I have now stitched some fabric on the shoulder strap to help me get some more life out of it.
Why is this sport so expensive? The gear, the bike, the shoes, the training, the backpacks, the swim suit, the hotel, the travel time, so much money!! Why am I doing this again? Because I can!
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