Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Knee Injury and Ironman Training

So about a week or two ago I was on my bike. I noticed my right knee was hurting when I pulling up on my pedal stroke. It started about an hour into the bike, but I biked through it. It wasn’t a short stabbing pain. It was more like a deep ache.

I did my stretches at the end of the bike. Next day was a 1hour and 20 minute run. My knee started to hurt again, about 40 minutes into the run. The pain was a little stronger and it took longer to go away.

When I stopped at a cross walk, or waited for the light to change so I could cross the street. I was punching my knee with my fist. I don't know why, but it seemed to alleviate the pain a little bit. Again this pain wasn’t enough to stop, but it was definitely noticeable.

I had gone through an IT Band injury when I trained for the Chicago Marathon. So I knew to seek help right away. I can't afford to the time to stop training. I also know that the sooner I fix it, the less I will hurt and the sooner I will recover.

So I went to my Sports masseuse Wylie (see earlier post's) and she worked my leg and knee.

I have also added some more stretches, and will be looking at some weights or other exercises I can do to strengthen whatever it is that is going wrong.

I have good shoes, I have a great bike, I am aware of my posture. I stretch like crazy. I figure I am going to increase the strength training and make it more specific for the knee.

I am a little concerned that the knee is just symptom of something else. I mean I have had a whole world of surgeries, from my skull, to my first rib being removed. I have been hit cars; I have been in a few fights. Most of which I lost ;') so in my earlier years (before the TBI) I was rough on my body.

This is causing me allot in physio, massage, acupuncture, etc.

Anyone else run into knee injuries while training? Isn’t it weird that it was the biking that first started to hurt?

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